LG 49XE4-F Firmware Update Requirements

It is now mandatory to update the firmware in all LG 49XE-4F screens when performing repairs. Photograph of the new firmware version must also be included in closure data. The details on how to perform this action are below : Please download the below file to your...

LG Warranty Black Spot Repairs

Moving forward can you please ensure ALL techs have downloaded the app titled Axiomatic Digital Compass onto their phones. When onsite at LG warranty works (eg replacing TFT’s and cabinets), in order to invoice a copy of the screen location MUST BE ATTACHED INTO FLEET...

Ladder Safety

Ladder safety is paramount to the well being of technicians, and AusDigi seeks to remind all technicians and staff that at all times : Three points of contact must be maintained on a ladder. At no time may a person straddle a ladder or stand on the top rungs. Scaffold...

TSR Installs

AusDigi have noticed that a large number of TSR installs from some technicians do not have the “Sniffer Port” connected. We remind all technicians that the sniffer is required under the scope of works and install documents to be connected to the venue MATV...

Safety Reminder

Following an incident on the weekend of 2nd November 2024, this is a timely reminder that everyone shares responsibility for safety in the workplace and to ensure your SWMS, Safety Systems, OHS Procedures and Incident Reporting Systems are up to date. Whilst we are...