AusDigi Canal+ Enquiry Form

Contact Details

Please fill in all the details below and one of our staff will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your installation.

Building Description

Tell us a little about your building so we can best assess the requirements for the installation and provide you with accurate pricing.

Building Construction Additional Information

If you are unsure or have ticked "other" as your building option, or listed more than Three levels in height, please give us further detail about your building eg : Type of building, roof type, construction, how many floors eg : Unit is on the fourth floor of a 20 story High Rise.
Please provide a photograph of your building from the ground showing up to the roof top and any other photos you feel may assist us. If you live in a High Rise please show a photo of the Northern aspect from your Balcony.

Subscription Details

Please provide details of the required Installation

Important Information

By signing below and submitting this form, I/we understand that the information I have given will be used to assess the installation for technical purposes and any misleading or false information may result in service fees being charged to amend the information prior to installation and a callout fee. By signing below I/we agree to be contacted by an authorised representative of Canal+ for sales purposes and by an authorised technician for installation and pricing purposes.
Signature is required.